Netflix have today made Pokémon Concierge, an entirely new stop motion animated series based within the world of Pokémon, available to stream globally, with 4 episodes (each lasting around 20 minutes) currently available on the platform.
This new animation is produced by Dwarf Animation Studios and follows the story of Haru who works as a Concierge at a successful Pokémon resort hotel. Unlike past Pokémon series, which has focused on the battling aspect of the franchise, this show will look at the calm, colourful and cute aspects of Pokémon.
About: Welcome to Pokémon Resort, a peaceful getaway for Pokémon to relax and have fun. Which adorable guest will the new concierge Haru befriend and help first?
Pokémon Concierge is now available to stream on Netflix. As per usual a valid Netflix subscription, internet connection and compatible device will be required in order to stream the series.
English Trailer:
Japanese Trailer: