New Anime

Long Title, Tired Premise #01 — Narrated Narration


At least he’s not reincarnated, I suppose.

Yeah, yeah, I know I should have the season preview up by now. It’s done except for some sorting. I got sucked into a sprite rabbit hole and have like 200 now in my “find a good one-liner for these” secret stash. Only one other show starts before July anyway, and that’s not until Saturday. 


Okay, fine. The actual title is “The Demon Lord Army’s Strongest Wizard is a Human,” which is also the summary of the entire episode, as narrated by the protagonist for no particular reason than he looks around him at some moment and decides to explain that to the invisible goats that demand exposition that live in his head. And then his hot babe boss shows up and repeats that. And then they go to visit the demon lord, where they repeat that a third time, but not before greeting the guards, who re-announce to him his own backstory, that a random dude, for no particular reason, gave him the ultimate magic powers. And if you think that’s where the writing problems end, of course not. You see, the demon army wants to slaughter all humans, but he tells them “no, then who will pay taxes” and everybody, even the humans who they just conquered and laid waste to, applaud his wisdom, thus solving racism forever. It’s THAT kind of godawful show. And you’ll never guess the other surprise twist. The demon lord is also a hot girl!

So the script is barely fit to use as toilet paper, and even then, only if you want a chafed ass, but how’s the animation? Slightly better than that, in that it is just boringly terrible. Not that there’s a whole lot of opportunities for excitement with about 98% of the episode spent listening to internal self-narration that then gets repeated as external narration. Or maybe we talk about the characters. All fanservice girls, from the busty witch constantly talking about her breasts to the clumsy slave maid who literally crawls all over him in gratitude for being a good master. But don’t worry, there’s one male too. A pig man who’s constantly rubbing his hands together greedily. Come on, anime industry. 


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