New Anime

Alya Mutters in Russian #01 — Foot Fetishism


Yeah, very subtle.

If you’re wondering how the second episode of that Strongest Wizard is a Human show went, a succubus shows up and demands to be his maid, starting a feud with the maid over who can be his best bottom girl. …Fantastic.


You’ve got to hand it to the restraint showed here. They waited until immediately AFTER the opening to have the protagonist scream out the premise and title of the show. Which is also where the show decided to bring in the generic obnoxious friends and really went from bad to worse. It was already extremely cringey wish fulfillment from the start of the standard variety. Girl who’s a jackass to everybody, but hovers over Billy Generic protagonist, occasionally ‘flirting’ with him in a different language so he can comically overreact. But then a few minutes listening to even more over-excited idiots list out how all the named girls are the idols of the school before they all come over to also fuss and flirt over the protagonist? Maybe it’s rose colored glasses, but I feel like even the VNs of ten years ago tended to have more respect than this. Or maybe they just had more girls to get through so we weren’t stuck lingering on one or two.

That’s also where the entire premise falls apart and it abandons all pretenses. Flashback out of nowhere to random Russian childhood friend he with the standard cliche promise with kiss. I totally hate you, you loser, but how I sit here, undress in front of you, and then you dress me while fondling my thighs? I’ll just be over here moaning with a few panty shots. Oh no. You saw my panties! You pervert! AN INDIRECT KISS EVENT!?!?!?! As much as the first half made me recoil, the last third of the episode caused me physical pain. I am really not cut out for this flavor of, maximal scare quotes, ‘romantic comedy,’ and just makes me want to rant about the absolute ruination of the tsundere character trope.

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