New Anime

Mahouka S3 Review — F-

I missed this.

The new season did not disappoint, bringing back all the greatest hits:

We get another year of Serious Adults trying to murder people at the high school sports festival, which features the dumbest most boring games ever invented (and I say this as someone who has played baseball)
The high school science festival is back, and Tatsuya must once again save it by murdering the Chinese!!! All immigrants are traitors!!!
Onii-sama is God
Bring back the aristocracy!!!!

God this was awful. Still not as awful as the Miyuki spinoff series though.

Can’t wait for the upcoming movie!!!

Storytelling – F – Boooring.
Voice – F – Somehow managed to mix up good and evil
Characters – F – Tatsuya and Miyuki are some of the worst characters ever made
Attention Grab – F – That sports festival arc was a new form of torture. And I still hadn’t recovered from the first season’s iteration. And they did it again. Fuck you Mahouka.
Production – C – It pays the bills but some jobs just aren’t worth it guys
Overall – F-

Recommendations – Don’t be racist

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