New Anime

The Elusive Samurai #02 — The Candyland Dimension


Sure are a lot of beheadings in this show.

The second episode of Sakuna managed to be even worse than the first. It’s amazing how hard PA Works is phoning it in. For reference, this is what the game looks like in its action scenes. And this is what the anime looks like. It’s a little… stark. There’s also still that Loser Heroines show, but I need to go run some errands for an hour or so, and it doesn’t air for another 30 minutes. I’m about 90% certain it will not be a pleasant experience regardless.


Largely the same issues as the first episode. It’s usually the children who are insufferable screaming plagues upon shows, but here, it’s all the adults who keep making absurd faces and screaming at the top of their lungs while the kids are all reacting relatively normally to the death and destruction around them. Well, except for the priestess girl, who’s mainly content to do schtick in the background, which is a far more stomachable form of humor than all the yelling and silly faces, even if it’s also completely out of place among all the bloody beheadings. There’s no reason for anybody to be literally bending over backwards as they scream out their murder vengeance plans.

Unfortunately, the fight this week was a lot less impressive than the action/chase scene from the first episode and did very little to highlight or elevate the two new characters, though they didn’t have much focus or actual purpose to start with. Essentially randomly stumbling on slobbering insane murder-uncle in a field probably didn’t help either. It got especially caught up in that stupid boardgame metaphor and kept cutting away to the Candyland dimension so the peanut gallery could yell. It still was far far better animated than most other things, especially either of those other ‘action’ shows today, but the usual CloverWorks cracks in production are already showing. 

Next Episode:

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