New Anime

Too Many Loser Heroines #01 — Ma’am, This is a Denny’s


Nice garnish.


Another kind of throwback light novel adaptation. This time to that era of things with titles like “My Teenage Youth Drama Is So Cliche” or “I Have No Friends and My Classmates Exacerbate My Melodrama.” An insufferable, melodramatic prat that spends the entire thing self-narrating everything while veritable swarms of ostensibly quirky girls buzz around him, shrieking, squeaking, and whimpering their mating cries despite the male’s complete and utter lack of any sexual characteristics. Ma’am. You’re screaming at the top of your lungs about how much drama there is in your non-relationship in a Denny’s. You vomited all over the table and then immediately jumped to some other dude to wolf down an entire pound of french fries with mayo, fistfuls at a time. In the real world, this would have been live-tweeted by at least three other people in the restaurant and you’d be world famous for 5 minutes.

I guess if you were missing this flavor of show after it went out of style, here’s… another one of those. With the occasional weird animation flair thrown in. I couldn’t say what the thought process was that went into suddenly over-animating them walking down a hall, or why their hair seems to gain and lose gravity at complete random, but I guess at least it’s nice to see some visual effort. Not nearly enough to salvage the characters though. The girls just do their schticks against the protagonist, who has no contribution to any of the conversations or events going on around him but to occasionally overreact like the unwilling participant in a manzai routine. And I think that’s what really grates on me. It’s entirely focused on the characters, but they have no chemistry whatsoever, or seemingly even want to interact. The whole premise is just “I’m surrounded by hot quirky girls lavishing attention on me for no real reason, and just look at how awkward they are. Yeesh.” which is probably also the title of some abhorrent light novel.


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