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Roxy Stans, You Won.

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Ep 23 Review

Death is an undeniable fact of life, but losing someone well before their time is beyond painful. Rudeus and the Black Wolves saved his mother, but it came at the cost of his arm and the life of his father. Paul died saving Rudy, and the guilt over that has all but broken him. If this keeps up, he’s going shut himself off from everything like he did in his first life. And someone else has to step up with Sylphie too far away to help him. And that someone is Roxy.

Too bad the anime skipped a few crucial scenes, though.

How Roxy Planned to Help Rudeus, Now With Context


— Subhra (@luffy_subhra) June 23, 2024

From day one of his second life, the choices that Rudeus has made have been defined by the trauma of his past life. He didn’t appreciate his family in his first life, and that led his siblings to throw him out when he refused to attend their parent’s funeral. Rudy has always strived to avoid making the same mistakes in his new life, but by not seeing Paul and Zenith as his actual parents, he made the same mistake again. Now his self-loathing has him thinking he’s a worthless son. He isn’t, but it’s hard to escape that mindset alone.

That’s where Roxy comes in.

Cut content from today’s episode

The party discusses Rudeus’ poor mental condition after what happened and suggests Elinalise sleep with him to “cheer him up,” but she declines

Only at this point does Roxy finally learn that Rudeus is married and expecting a child

— Cloudy (@CloudMonkeyTWT) June 23, 2024

I’ll be blunt: the anime didn’t do an excellent job handling how Roxy helps Rudy recover. Some anime-only people might even mistake Roxy’s decision to sleep with Rudy as her taking advantage of his mental state. However, the anime skipped an important scene, revealing that the idea wasn’t Roxy’s.

While Rudy spends a week holed up in his room, Roxy and the others discuss how to help him. Elinalise suggests letting Rudy sleep with a woman to help him. When she refuses to do it, she drops a bombshell on Roxy: Rudy is married to her granddaughter and will soon be a father. Neither of which Roxy was aware of until this moment in any adaptation. So now, she feels stupid for flirting with him so much. In her defense, though, Rudy was too dense to realize she was hitting on him.

OH MY GOD!!! ROXYYYYY #無職転生 #MushokuTensei #無職転生II

— 𝓡𝓲𝔁𝓲 (@Rixi0303) June 23, 2024

Maybe Roxy was being a little selfish and took advantage of his mental state. And yes, Rudy did cheat on Sylphie. Given how bad things were, though, I can’t hold it against them. Others will, but I won’t. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And it does work.

The Anime left out Rudy’s big confession!

This next scene also happened to be one that the anime cut out. After mentally berating himself for being so rough with Roxy (it was her first time), Rudy starts telling her a story. He claims its fictional, but the light novel clarifies that he’s just telling her everything that happened to him in his first life. All his regrets, insecurities, guilt, and negative emotions just burst out.

This is the advice that Roxy gave Rudeus, the last part is what we got in the anime

— Cloudy (@CloudMonkeyTWT) June 23, 2024

I think the anime made a mistake not including this scene. To my knowledge, Rudeus has never told anyone about his first life. Maybe it was the right decision; he had no clue how his parents or friends would react to hearing that. However, keeping it all inside of him has been detrimental to his mental health. For example, when Eris left him, his low self-esteem and experiences from his first life led him to the worst possible conclusion about Eris’ actions. And after Paul’e death, he couldn’t keep it in anymore. He had to tell someone! And I’m glad he told Roxy.

It’s never made clear if Roxy understood the hidden meaning behind his story, but I wouldn’t put it past her; she’s smart. More importantly, though, she tells Rudeus what he needs to hear when he asks what the man (him) should do. Her advice to Rudy, remembering the people he still has left, is cliche. Rudeus himself thinks so. But that doesn’t make them any less accurate. He lost something that he can never get back, but he still has more people who care about him. And thanks to that, Rudy regains his strength to keep moving forward.

Which does bring up an awkward issue…

Roxy Stans Can Be Happy Now

So, as the group makes the trip back to Sharia, Rudy needs to address the elephant in the room. Roxy admits she fell in love with him when he saved her life. And between the feelings he already had and her saving him from complete mental collapse, Rudy realizes he feels the same way. But he also swore loyalty to Sylphie, and they have a child on the way. So…what now?

It’s Elinalise who states the apparent solution to him: marry Roxy. Marry both her and Sylphie. And here’s where some more controversy for Mushoku Tensei pops up. Some people aren’t cool with the idea of a person marrying more than one person. However, Elinalise makes some intense arguments.

Firstly, keep in mind that Sylphie is still Elinalise’s granddaughter and she wants her to be happy. But she’s also Roxy’s best friend, and she hates the idea of Roxy denying herself her best chance at happiness like this. She wouldn’t suggest this if she didn’t think Rudy could make both happy.

Which brings us to the second point: Paul’s example. Once he took responsibility for getting Lilia pregnant, he married her, too. Instead of their family falling apart, it became happier than ever. Sure, not everyone supports polygamy, even in our world. From how I see it, though, if Rudy can love both girls equally, there’s not much of an issue.

he was supposed to come back with his parents but came back with wife #2 instead

— 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐤 ✿ (@milkynoe) June 23, 2024

Also, and this was taken out of the anime, but in the light novels, Elinalise implies that Rudy got Roxy pregnant. If he abandoned her now, he really would be a scumbag.

So, that’s that.

Return Home

So, I was expecting this episode to be the season finale, but it turns out, we have one more to go. Even though Rudy has finished grieving for his father’s death thanks to Roxy, he still has a few significant hurdles to overcome. He has to explain how Paul is dead, how Zenith is a mental invalid, and…how he wants to marry Roxy.

No matter how you slice it, the next episode will be hard for Rudeus. But now that he’s healthily dealt with his grief, I think he can handle it. I just wish the episode hadn’t skipped so much.

I Give “Let’s Return Home” a 3/5

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