New Anime

Pseudo Harem #03 — Artistic Styles


Why not do segments in those styles? Come on, show some flair.

Oh god. This new WordPress update slightly broke my editing interface. Ugh.


It’s stil cute enough, but… yeah. I really wish they had focused on and developed some of these parts a lot more. I would’ve been fine with an in-depth exploration of cariacatures in the vein of GA Art Class, or they could’ve played up the rom com angles with a whole series of the love letters, but both are introduced and done with so quickly that they have barely any presence. Even the vague connecting tissue of the episode, that he wants to have a crush on somebody, is something that they could’ve developed and explored for more than just a few dumb gags about him being extremely thick.

Well, inoffensive but somewhat pleasant is still better than most shows, even if I have no real idea what to say about any given episode with so little going on and no lasting focus on anything in particular. 


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