New Anime

NieR Automata v1.1a #15 — Special Panty Shot Mode


Now that’s what the crowd’s here for.


The important part of this episode was the part where she initated her special combat mode, transformed into her fetish outfit, and the camera instantly snapped straight up her ass for the full camera panty shot. As I guess is going to be tradition for Fridays this season, I still don’t really have any actual grasp of what’s going on, but at least there was a lot of stabbing, explosions, and viral kissing. I have a broadly better ability to follow the thread of things than Bye Bye Earth, but they’re still whipping out random nonsense like “Oh, it looks like we’re surrounded, but there’s a secret backdoor using the backup system that we explicitly didn’t use as a plot device before, which is a totally different but super convenient one use only plot device we can use now.” Okay, I guess we’re running with that, but it was definitely pulled out of somebody’s ass. Possibly when the camera was shoved up in there.

All that aside, I think it was probably a mistake to start out the episode by reminding everybody that the whole thing was a farce, and then trying to end the episode on the ‘tragic’ sacrifice of that farce. Even with all the alternate timeline wibbley wobbley already going on that already undercuts anything being particularly permanent or meaningful if it gets reset/rewound when we skip over to another timeline, it directly undermines the end of the episode. I feel like doing the noble sacrifice of the commander would have worked a lot better with at least some effort of a positive message from or about her, but she’s barely existed as a character at all, unless I’ve completely blocked segments about her from my mind, which given the way this series has gone, I am not at all discounting as a possibility.

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