New Anime

The Elusive Samurai #04 — Casual Animal Cruelty


Yeah, yeah. Look with your special eyes, etc.


I think the worst part of this is the knowledge that this is going to be a whole goddamned major story arc of this one dude screaming about his special eyes. What restraint too, stopping at just a dude with giant eyes and a dude with giant ears. Why not go for all five senses? Where’s the dude who can taste his enemies? The one with the giant magic nose? I guess it’s maintaining its niche of being the one anime where all the adults are the obnoxious twats that the show would be better without and the kids are the more palatable ones, but is that really a niche that needed to be filled?

That really casts a pall over the episode and the future since we’re stuck with this nonsense for possibly the entire rest of the season instead of the dude being summarily beheaded. I’d rather be dealing with giant boars of the week than trapped with this dude for months. The whole end of the episode didn’t help either. The first four arrows for both of them were gone in like two minutes. Shooting just one of the last two required nearly four minutes of exposition and cutaways to explain horseback riding and archery, dragging everything to a complete stop before going “Welp, guess we’ll finish next time.” You could’ve finished this time had you not pissed a quarter of the episode away for a nonsensical cliffhanger.

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