New Anime

Mayonnaise Bread #04 — Convenient Video Will


How pleasant that she died in obscurity in a dive bar under 40.


This episode was awful enough to take away even the smallest hope I had for the rest of the show. Fu doesn’t want to sing because she blew off a friend at an audition, but it turns out that everything is okay after all. And by okay, I mean the woman went on to sing alone in a bar until dying prematurely in her thirties, but left behind a video will saying that actually, Fu is the best thing that ever happened to her and that her only wish is that Fu sings again. No part of that sentence belongs together, and it absolutely should not have been set to uplifting piano music while everybody smiles about how great everything turned out. Then we end on a completely generic insert song set to a montage.

It was already an insubstantial and entirely melodramatic episode, and then it ends with five straight minutes of completely absurd attempts to yank at the heartstrings with the deftness of a chainsaw. Which jumps straight into the next episode preview, a fanservice swimsuit episode. This doesn’t even get into reasons given for why Fu couldn’t try to be a singer. Because if she became world famous, there would be rumors for why she could only sing at night, and if she wanted to do it for decades, people would realize she’s not aging. That’s it. That’s all that was given and enough to drive her into despair. Cart before the horse here, guys. Give up your hobby, because if you become a superstar, you’d be stuck doing it for thirty years. Writers, what the hell are you talking about?

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