New Anime

Why Does Nobody Remember #04 — Chewing Scenery


At least no animators were hurt in this episode.


With how awful this episode was, the supposed big climax fight against the first big villain, I was already pretty much done with the show, but then we get to the last moment of her ‘death’ scene and she all of a sudden shifts into a cutesy oh-I’m-actually-part-of-your-harem personality and that sealed it. The animation is flat out nonexistent for the episode. Nothing whatsoever gets even a few lazy frames. Even Shy was more animated than this. Shy, People punching others? Zoomed so far out that nothing is ‘animated’ but a pixel and a small little impact puff of dust far in the distance. Actual movement needed? Still. Or if you’re lucky explosion.

Which leaves twenty straight minutes of just listening to mostly Vanessa chew on the scenery like it’s made of taffy. First Rinne tries to sacrifice herself. Then activates her dark powers, which are absolutely nothing because, again, no animation, to… sacrifice herself again. But it turns out Kai was just fine all along and insta-kills her, but not before both of them give their own tedious monologues. So much for attempting to tell a story or competence in the characters here. This should have been the big fireworks of the arc and it was barely a wet sponge falling on the ground.


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