New Anime

The Elusive Samurai #06 — Inner Ear Dental Problems


Okay, please stop trying to do metaphor or I won’t be able to sleep.


This show is definitely going to give some poor kid nightmares. It may give me nightmares. There’s no reason that somebody’s ear should sprout a mouth full of too many misshapen teeth and start whispering murder into somebody’s eyeball… which is now also talking. And then there was the later birthing scene amid the maddening whispering of a thousand tortured souls. That’s the kind of thing you’d expect from Junji Ito, not from some goofy kid’s thing about spunky pre-teens sticking it to the man with boinging sound effects as they bounce off a dude’s face like Mario.

At least I think they finally got back to episodes ending at the… end of episodes after the last few episodes of randomly cutting out. Just had to go cut over to the main antagonists for the last seven or so minutes of the episode to remind us that they’re still out there engaging in their own bloody massacres, which are less gory and gruesome than the dude with teeth in his ears, though at least the sound here was a lot more on point than the Looney Tunes sproinging of the other scene. Weirdly, the thief kid who you’d think was the star attraction of the arc didn’t even really do much other than set some fires and then spin his kaleidoscope dick at the screen before loudly farting, which is a sentence I hope to never write again. 

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