New Anime

Pseudo Harem #07 — Prince Charming and the Seven Dwarves


Is she really the only actress in that entire club?


I know there’s no rule against it, but it feels really weird to have a second New Years bit, not to mention a second festival-ish play thing. I mean, they’re in a theater club and it’s a graduation, not a festival, but it still seems odd to do these things a second time. Plus, I’ll never understand a bunch of teenagers standing around and lamenting the end of their youth. Maybe I’m out of touch, but I recall everybody being unable to wait for independence and to get the hell out of school and into ‘real’ life, not sobbing at the sheer emotion of listening to the principal deliver a banal speech.

It’s still a weird episode because it’s ostensibly all about things changing, but it came pretty much out of nowhere in a show of no changes in relationships or interactions. Hell, even the supposed big confession scene cuts to black instead of that, because apparently even just saying “I like you” is too racy and too much actual relationship substance to actually show. I can’t imagine the last few episodes are going to be all that different on that front. Just no club activities, all chaste wandering around town or gossipping over the phone. Again, I would prefer it if it did actually advance, or the characters were trying to, ala sex-crazed Yamada of yore, but it is what it is at this point.


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