New Anime

Wistoria #06 — But What Does the Peanut Gallery Say?


This episode was the equivalent of packing peanuts.


Between the two minutes of recap, seeing the same flashbacks at least three times, and the constant trips to the peanut gallery to listen to completely random people announce and explain everything that was going on, I think the actual fighting in this episode comprised only maybe three to four minutes. The pacing was nothing short of horrific. At least let the whole fight be together and then stick the flashbacks/peanut gallery’s bits in their own section afterwards, but I guess that would defeat the point of playing each reaction and each flashback multiple times to pad out the absolute hell of the episode.

And it’s not like the characterization was any good either. Sion spent the entire thing throwing a tantrum about how Will doesn’t pay enough attention to him, and it’s eventually resolved by Colette showing up and yelling at him to stop throwing a tantrum. With her boobs out. Which doesn’t actually stop him from plaintively whining about not getting enough attention, he just stops… doing anything whatsoever and Will leaves. Way to go, boobs.

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