New Anime

Pseudo Harem #09 — Ladies Man


Thank you for occasionally turning off the BGM this week.


At least the music wasn’t nearly as obnoxious this week. Then again, we did have to sit through a performance of the final scene of Pride and Prejudice, which is itself kind of intolerable. Which was shortly followed up by her and her girlfriend doing babytalk to each other, which was even worse, but was still less annoying that listening to the same 20 second chirpy loop for six minutes straight… twice.

It at least sort of tried to be an actual episode for the first half, with her getting jealous and then he seeing how it feels, but as ever, it was incredibly insubstantial and not well developed enough to really be a growing point for them or their relationship so much as two almost throwaway announcements of intent and resolution. The second half completely lost the thread though with the baby talk and random fangirl before ending on her inviting him over to get laid, with obligatory reaction scream, though with how this show handled even saying “I have feelings for you,” even fading to black would probably be too racy for its blood.


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