New Anime

Bye Bye Earth #10 — Angst on Angst on Angst


Even for this show, this episode was completely incomprehensible nonsense.


Let’s start with Belle and her harem. They all talk up how mysterious and whatever she is, but she’s grumpy and lost her groove, so throws herself into… what appears to be suppressing a peasant rebellion. Yeah, that’s what we love to see heroes doing. Mindlessly attacking the poor and downtrodden. But she’s so out of sorts that she gets herself stabbed, so the harem mopes some more. I still don’t even know why this random goat dude is hanging around her. Did she inherit him when that other dude got stabbed? Is it just to give exposition to the mermaid dude/dudette?

But most of the episode was spent on Adonis… kind of. He’s now trapped in some interdimensional space where he’s training with Belle’s old master/shacking up with some other mermaid lady witch who gives him her backstory about how she too was once angsty, and that’s the key to him realizing that his curse is just existential angst, so she… uh… turns into his true sword? And now his sword has the power of melting other swords and changing shapes, because its true power is… existential angst, which makes him the lord of the undead? I’m pretty sure that whenever a horde of groaning monsters come out and start chanting your (sword’s) name, that’s probably not a great sign.   

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