New Anime

Wistoria #10 — Extremely Convenient Weak Point


Writers have really given up, huh?


I present to you the laziest and most half-assed of the standard shounen acts.

Oh no. It’s a minor random monster that’s immune to everything but you and specifically only you!
But I can’t fight it. I don’t have confidence.
No, you should have confidence.
Oh, okay. I guess I do after all. Wow, that was easy.

My god, is that patronizing at best. Let’s also remember that this dude hasn’t even actually failed at anything. He just momentarily decided out of nowhere that he actually sucked and didn’t want to bother trying any more. Then he spewed out a 1 for 1 copy of Will’s backstory, so we’re not even coming up with anything new at this point. Just now it’s a green dude. I expect so little from this show’s characters, and boy, does it not even deliver that much. If you want to make this work, they need to at least actually try and fail, preferably multiple times. Out of nowhere declaring that they’re done trying unless somebody gives them a pep talk is not character growth. It’s childish, pathetic, and completely out of what little character they have.

Little else happens in the episode. They meet back up with everybody else, run into the random baddies who immediately wander off again, but not before summoning the same monster that they already saw, which for some reason makes them all gasp in shock. We’re fighting this a second time!? Okay, maybe that point’s fair considering every monster in the show so far has been one and done, but they also just spent the entire episode off-screen killing hundreds of them while mincing about how deadly and dangerous the mountainous piles of bodies around them totally would have been had we shown any of these encounters. The girls didn’t even get that much. 


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