New Anime

Wistoria #11 — Title Drop


Not sure I got it the first four times you said it. Better do another six more.


Where to begin with this mess of an episode? If you cut out every conversation that went:
“It’s hopeless.”
“No, we/he will do our/his best.”
The episode probably would’ve been five minutes long. Literally every time they tried literally anything, it had to be followed up by declaring all was lost, but they were going to try anyway. This was exacerbated by the monster having its ass firmly planted in the ground, patiently waiting for them to have this conversation all seventy four times that they had to go through it. Occasionally hiding right next to the monster horde while screaming it at the top of their lungs. Only for the plan to be to leap out and start yelling, as a distraction for… itself? Also, all the monsters but the boss evaporated into thin air all of a sudden. 

Then there’s the big boss itself. It’s immune to everything! Including swords and magic! Except for… swords and magic. You spent a paragraph announcing how invulnerable it is and how it’s covered in anti-magic voodoo, and then fifteen seconds later, the big plan is to just… hit it again, and this time it has no invulnerability or anti-magic voodoo. Wait, and magic swords too! Listen to that inspiring music. The magic sword thing at the end being… uh… delivered by the one jackass roommate dude who appeared out of nowhere to drop a rock on Will, which near as I can tell, he then did not actually use at all and it was just that his sword became The Sword of Destiny or something.

But I think my favorite part of all the utter nonsense was the next episode preview, which cuts to everybody having simply left and pissing around in their playground fights again. Aren’t there serial killers on the loose? Didn’t a whole bunch of people, including a ton of your classmates, just get killed? No time for that. We’ve got a dick swinging contest on their corpses to get going! This show was never great, but what a mess this final arc has been.

Next Episode:

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