New Anime

The Elusive Samurai Review — B

A kid is a samurai who’s good at running away.

I loved the first episode two much. The destruction, the suffering, the sense of dread, contrasted with the comedic characters and villains… really reminded me of Hyouge Mono which I adored.

Sadly that quickly dissipated and this mostly turned into a shounen battle style thing with goofy kids defeating armies of adults with their superpowers while screaming loudly and relying on the power of friendship. Which is simply not my thing.

Still, good for its genre, and superb visual style.

Storytelling – C – Disappointing.
Voice – A – Fabulous style.
Characters – B – They’re fine but kiddy.
Attention Grab – B – Kept my interest.
Production – A – Looks amazing.
Overall -B

RecommendationsHyouge Mono, Heike Monogatari

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