New Anime

Puniru is a Slime #02 — Fatal Attraction


I’m already ready for the next season.


I think they probably meant to start and end it with Kirara’s stuff, and names are easy to remember when they’re all dumb puns, but they just did her joke in the first third, and then she all but vanished as a character for the rest until showing up to save the day via repeating the same half-assed gag. Both times of which were done at a scream, as all humor must apparently be delivered. Which left the middle as a really awkward eight minutes or so of re-setup that didn’t have much of a gimmick or identity of its own, let alone jokes. I think they either forgot, or nobody was screaming enough for them to find it funny.

Wouldn’t it have worked better as more of a horror gag? Any or all of it. It’s not like it’s Halloween season or anything. Or hiding the gag reveal to the end? At the very least, it would’ve provided some variation and would’ve worked better with the more general body horror constantly going on with Puniru. Both the gags of pulling up her ‘shirt’ to expose her innards and trying to catch her only to dismember her were far better than screaming rants about pampering. That’s hardly even a joke. That’s just doing something very, very, very loudly. Nor was ‘evil’ Puniru much of anything. Yeah, I remember when Disgaea was making these exact same jokes twenty years ago, but delivered slightly better because they were only slightly stale back then.

Next Episode:

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