Isekai where the main character’s overpowered ability is evaluating other people’s talents.
I do enjoy the central concept of this, where it turns the idea of isekai with overpowered abilities on its head a bit by pointing out it’s actually much more effective to lead a team of multiple people with various talents than to just have an overpowered ability yourself. I feel like it has its heart in the right place. (Just don’t think too hard about how everyone’s talents are pre-ordained…)
That said, it’s slow and boring. Has its high points but mostly wasn’t very interesting and got quite predictable, especially in the second season once all the main characters were introduced.
Storytelling – D – Slow and dull.
Voice – B – Do appreciate the concept.
Characters – C – They’re fine but isn’t much growth once they join the team.
Attention Grab – D – Lost most of my interest by the end.
Production – C – Meh.
Overall – C-
Recommendations – Have some passion…