News at 11.
This one is falling prey to the same stuff that makes it not actually a mystery as the doctor show. The dude has a pachinko ball for a head. He loves to gamble. The reveal that he’s a gambler who ruined his life by… gambling, is not solving a mystery. It’s not satisfying to me in any way. Where’s the twists and turns? Where’s the surprise? Where’s the insight? Where’s the characters actually investigating, finding clues, putting things together? There’s no middle to these stories, just the start and end, but that’s not where all the fun of mysteries are. That’s how you make little cognitive riddles for kids like “Man stabbed in locked room with puddle of water. How?” But the first and most obvious answer is the correct one. There’s no fun or even challenge in it. Just a maid making a “:3” face.