Anime Limited, otherwise known as All The Anime, have announced through a newswire blog post that they plan to release Blue Giant & Tekkonkinkreet on Blu-Ray in the UK in February 2025 and Bleach (Part 4) during March 2025. Pre-orders for these sets are also expected to become available throughout the month.
The distributor also revealed that both Blue Giant and Tekkonkinkreet will be released as Collector’s Edition Blu-Rays, with
Blue Giant (Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray)
Release Date: 24th February 2025 | Japanese audio (with English subtitles)
SRP: £59.99 (Collector’s Edition) | £19.99 (Standard Edition)
Synopsis: Dai Miyamoto’s life changes when he discovers jazz. He picks up a tenor saxophone and practices every day. After leaving his hometown, Sendai, he pursues a music career in Tokyo with help from his friend Shunji. One day, Dai plays passionately from the heart and convinces talented pianist Yukinori to start a band together. Along with Shunji, a beginner drummer, they form the three-piece band, JASS. With each live performance, they get closer and closer to their dream of playing at So Blue, the most famous jazz club in Japan, in hopes of forever changing the world of jazz.
On Disc Bonus Features:
Q&A with the creator of the film’s original music HIROMI.
Collector’s Edition Content:
Digi-Pack case holding Blu-Ray disc
64-page booklet with interviews and art work
A3 “gig” poster
Sticker sheet
Individually numbered serialised art card.
All packaged in a square “mini-vinyl” rigid case
Tekkonkinkreet (Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray)
Release Date: 24th February 2025 | English & Japanese audio (with English subtitles)
SRP: £39.99 (Collector’s Edition) | £19.99 (Standard Edition)
Synopsis: In Treasure Town, where the moon smiles and young boys can fly, life can be both gentle and brutal. This is never truer than for our heroes, Black and White, two street urchins who watch over the city, doing battle with an array of old-world Yakuza and alien assassins vying to rule the decaying metropolis.
On Disc Bonus Features:
Audio commentary with director Michael Arias
The Making of Tekonkinkreet; Director Michael Arias’ 300 Day Diary
Conversation between director Michael Arias and electronic music duo Plaid
Collector’s Edition Content:
Rigid art box with an amaray case that holds the film on Blu-Ray and DVD
28-page booklet with production artwork and storyboards.
Bleach – Part 4 (Blu-Ray)
Release Date: 24th March 2025 | English & Japanese audio (with English subtitles)
SRP: £49.99 (Standard Edition)
Synopsis: Contains Episodes 84 – 111: The Soul Reapers’ battle against the Bounts continues! Rukia, Kurodo and Orihime face off against Yoshi and her dolls but must find a way to prevail when one of their own is possessed. Chad, Noba and Ururu fight Sawatari, but they might end up as fish food for his giant doll, Baura. And as the Bounts head for the Seireitei, their ultimate goal is revealed: to destroy the Soul Society itself!
On Disc Bonus Features:
Art galleries
Textless Ending Songs
“Behind the Scenes of Bleach” English cast interviews feature
The above titles will become available to pre-order on the AllTheAnime Store throughout January, and we expect that retailer listings (for the Standard Edition Blu-Rays at least) will appear at retailers in the coming weeks. For the time being you can see the full list of titles due out this year in our release schedule.