New Anime

Aquarion MOE #05 — Finally, Some Stabbing


Well, attempted at any rate.


I was fully ready to cut bait on this, but the last five minutes or so gave me the slimmest glimmers of hope by introducing multiple new characters who are much more in line with the standard Aquarion vibe. There’s the obvious Touma expy, the obsessive pretty boy who bleeds red flags, but also the little sister of the dead girl who gets a makeover and then immediately attempts to stab a main character in the throat with a pencil in the street. Now that’s something worth noting. Five episodes was entirely too long to wait for either of these, let alone both.

I still couldn’t care less about virtually anything else going on, or more specifically, not going on, as everybody else is just hanging around the entire time, waiting for anything to happen. Even when the monster of the week shows up, they just kind of kill it before it’s off to ramble about the nonsensical lore. Oh, two randos had their wings ritualistically yanked off and are probably out for reincarnated revenge. Don’t care. I assume it’s these two sociopaths, but if it’s other people entirely, it hardly makes a difference because you need a conspiracy board just to even try to understand it given that nobody actually interacts with anybody, nor has any desire to do anything. Except for the deranged stabbing girl. That I can get behind.


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