T minus 3 to moving day, so not a lot of time. Some quick thoughts on Aquarion this week:
The 12,000 years in the past sequences are OK as a change of pace, which sort of justifies the visual style. But it’s really too ugly to carry half an episode.
We’ve seen most of the main cast’s avatars from that timeline, but not Toshi. Are he and Hana the two children being experimented on, maybe?
“Old Goddess vs. new God” seems to sum up the conflict in that timeline pretty well. One thing that’s clear is that there are human sacrifices in both realities (“becoming a Goddess” and becoming an Element).
Three months pass in our world while the kids are in mythic space, which has some interesting practical implications.
Emperor Palpatoshi is now the vice-president of the student council (obvious who the president is). And the vice-principal is now a powerless drudge. Seems as if the Eggman has pretty much taken firm control of everything.
Sun’s “tuning mana” has a distinct air of Human Instrumentality Project to it…
I’m not ready to write off Momohime yet, and offscreen at that. But if it did happen, Sun and/or Toshi likely had a role in it, and that would certainly be a game-changing development on the character side.
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