Yeah, that’s not a weird or creepy way to introduce yourselves to people.
My web host’s servers remain on fire for a 9th straight day, and it’s not making it any easier to do literally anything in WordPress when things stall or get eaten constantly. Season preview should still be up tomorrow regardless. Just may be increasingly full of bile as I have to deal with the frustration of the interface stalling out and having to copy things into separate notes so I don’t lose everything.
I’m not sure what they could’ve done to salvage things after the last episode. Maybe some super enemy appearing out of nowhere so they could at least ride some emotional highs and have a big battle scene. Instead, a few more grunts pop up, they re-declare the power of friendship once more, then we cut away from actually fighting them to re-return to the flash-forward where… absolutely nothing whatsoever has changed and they meet a new girl to re-re-re-re-re-re-declare the power of friendship and re-re-re-re-cut away from showing them fighting the endless horde of monsters in the exact same spot as they have always been. Didn’t sell “carrying on the spirit and re-invigorated purpose” of a hero’s journey so much as everything was pointless and nobody accomplished anything with their sacrifices. Sacrifices made by just bull-charging straight at the enemy with no plan or thoughts. But yay, friendship is magic.
I suppose that still makes it a rare high point for GoHands, and at least they’re improving, but there were still only maybe three really good episodes, and they were all ones focused on action. The whole cooking thing was an obnoxious gimmick, and the standard GoHands visual… flair, let’s call it, continues to do them no favors while probably causing dozens of animators to miss their children’s birth. You could still probably put together a pretty passable supercut movie of it… by getting rid of about 80% of the show and doing some major tweaks to the epilogue, but it could’ve been a lot better. Then again, it does make me think of Magical Girl Destroyers ending too, which is both a bad thing, and says that it could’ve been so much worse.