New Anime

The Elusive Samurai #10 — Dutch Wives


So much for any kind of ending arc.


So, the annoying yelly dude lost his mojo, so they do various schtick about it, but then it’s that he needs a jolt of magic juice from the actually magic girl. So I guess this is her episode? And we briefly check in with the head baddie who’s making creepy demonic art. What this added? He has a brother. Wonderful. Not sure how the story could have possibly advanced without these critical pieces of lore.

You’d think after a week off for recap they’d want to jump right into an actual arc to end things with a bang, but we go from recap episode to pure filler. Because this is how anime adaptation goes, I guess. The source is sacrosanct, even if it means we spend a whole season marshalling our forces only to then sit on our asses for the last few episodes because that was a lull time in the original schedule however many years ago, in hopes that maybe it’ll be less awkward and disappointing when watched with its likely next season some year or two later. Suuure. Got to appease the purist superfans who are already on board and the people who might pick it up on a lark in 2027 after all.

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