New Anime

My Deer Friend #12 — Deer Off


At least it’s over.


We end as of course we do, with recycled sequences and flashbacks to the last time they told these jokes. It’s also probably not a great idea to try to be referencing an actual agent of chaos and parody like Chiitan because that just highlights how little of its humor this actually understands. And it’s not just some one-off reference, but an entire damn half the episode centered on just… referring to it. Also, a little late to the party, aren’t we? When John Oliver has you beaten by half a decade, you should probably be packing that meme reference in, or at the very least trying to think of some way to do something slightly more interesting with it than add antlers and call it a day. What next? A cutting reference to Left Shark? Where’s the beef?

And then for the second half, we move on to… another deer competition, but this time a deer fight. So it’ll be a goofy deer-based thing? It’ll be over the top? Nope. It’s a vehicle for bringing up all the gags from the first couple episodes again. Hey, remember that time when her antler was a lunch box? When her snot was a tentacle? All your favorite gags are back, because that’s much easier than coming up with any new ones. Still with plenty of yelling. What an appropriate way for this disappointing show to end. All it ever had was good promotional material and a few weird gags that happened to go viral with no ambition to follow up or go beyond that.

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