New Anime

Pseudo Harem #12 — Time Leaps


Nothing says rushed like leaping back and forth in time about seven times to try to wrap things up.


This episode took a bit of a weird turn, especially for this show which has not once been a show that does anything particulraly unexpected or… I’d say exciting, but even this wasn’t really that. It starts out seeming like it’s going to rehash/recap their history, which would be more meaningful if there had been an actual development of their relationship along the way or anything to relive, but then it swerves into her becoming famous out of nowhere and desired by all. And by all, we mean the promise of some off-screen… nothing… that she has not once shown any real interest in, but because we have to have some kind of drama, is all of a sudden a very existentially angsty thing that she has to choose either him or it. Forgetting to provide any reason why it has to be either/or and not both.

At this point, it tries to un-ring the bell with the confession scene that it previously skipped over and seems to be going right back to the previous thought of rehashing, complete with title drop, but for the stuff it skipped. Can you even call that reminiscing if we didn’t see it before? Then we fast forward to a particularly bizarre proposal that starts with them talking about how they barely see each other before the OP plays and another fast forward to them holding their wedding at their high school, and boy, does that seem like a profoundly depressing thing to do, particularly for what’s supposedly a TV star. 

I guess at least it tried to be an ending, despite all the insistences that it was the start of a story. But like everything it did, the fluff was… pleasant enough, but the lack of actual substance to the characters is what’s going to make it forgotten within a week.

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