New Anime

The Elusive Samurai #11 — Casual Cannibalism


Was this the dumping ground for excess side characters that couldn’t be worked in to the main plot?


This episode was a bit weird on a technical level, even for this show, and not doing anything to dissuade my pet theory that CloverWorks is where they send newbies learning the basics of creating anime. There’s the random CGI shoved in once again, the OP that plays some eight minutes into the episode, the approximately half dozen new characters introduced, some just for sight gags like the dude with no face who keeps cheerfully talking about eating people or exploding their intestines with his severed head, not to mention the new antagonist who’s basically just the evil version of the annoying main adult dude. I don’t even know what the deal with that one… uh… penis shaped dude is.

Anyway, the boys are all sent off to join a rebellion and recruit them, but the rebels all just want to kill things and sacrifice themselves. And they change their minds due to… some butt-based slapstick. Was a decent speech up to that point, but then… a butt joke and the rest of the episode was spent back on the make-up guy screaming and being jankily animated, which I can’t even tell whether that was an intentional style, or they just ran out of frames. It certainly didn’t look good in any case, and ruined any gravitas the whole “don’t throw your life away” speech might have had.


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