New Anime

Talky Boy #01 — Sleeveless Turtleneck


Who dressed you, my guy?


Well, it lives up to its name at least. There is an excessive and unneeded amount of talking. Especially poorly written talking at that, as most of it begins with the standard “As we all know, the way things work is *insert paragraph of exposition*.” Including his own internal narration of course. When you’re narrating to yourself the basics of the setting, you probably need to give your editors another whack at the script. Even during the fight, there wasn’t so much action as there was people yelling random things and most of the time explaining that the thing they yelled was not in fact random nonsense, but a magical spell and here’s the description of it against a still frame of an attack that could’ve been animated, but nah. That’d get in the way of all the exposition. Combine this with having to explain that monsters are B rank, but they’re C rank, and B is stronger than C, and buffing a C makes it able to compete on the level of B and… yeah. To say that the script needs a weedwhacker taken to it is understating matters a little.

Surely things improved in the second half though? Of course not. It went entirely into talk at that point with stating the premise of the show about six times and then the stunning cliffhanger that these people he barely knew and wasn’t attached to aren’t loyal to his abruptly declared plan for world domination and just… left. No actual betrayal or anything. Just walked away. The best part was probably his ridiculous clothing. Not the edgy stupidity. The sleeveless turtleneck. What life choices brought you to a place where you go out drinking in a sleeveless turtleneck? Even the dude in a jacket with a foot-long collar looked less silly than him.

Poorly animated, script was physically painful, obligatory rule of three statement about the bland setting or something. Was it better than that other show also about the strongest guild/clan/diner club? I dunno. Both were pretty equally bad in much the same ways. One had some levity. The other had sillier clothes. Nobody’s a winner here. 


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