New Anime

Acro Trip #01 — Delayed Gratification


A comedy that doesn’t bother to tell a joke for 13 minutes? Interesting strategy.

This was a two episode premiere, but man. I dunno if I have it in me.


A tale of two halves, and neither were good. But the first half of the episode, twelve painfully boring minutes… I don’t understand what they were thinking. It was so much empty space. The girl is emotionless and blasé about everything. Until she sees a magical girl and is instantly a huge fan, whereupon it immediately timeskips to years later, in a completely different place, and her personality has completely changed, now overreacting to absolutely everything with a constant stream of screaming internal narration, wiping away all of the empty space we just had to endure. So what was the point of the first twelve minutes? There was maybe a single joke, and all the character and setting stuff that it spent ages explaining was already abandoned. 

Then we move to the second half, which at least I understand what it was going for. Silly faces, overreactions, and a statement of the premise. Not actually getting to it yet. That’s for later. So the pacing is about a quarter of the speed of that fanservice BDSM show with the same premise. Your story is moving slower and has fewer punchlines than softcore porn. That’s not a place you generally want to be. And after twelve minutes of empty space that it threw out, it’s so little, way too late.

I did glance through the second episode. A robber shows up, so it’s an excuse to explain that magic people can only magic on other magic people, and then how there’s a limited amount of magicking magic people can magic each week… all of which had the protagonist go “Whaaaaat!?” while making a face. So… yeah. I think I’m calling it here. 

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