New Anime

My Wife Became a Fourth Grader #01 — Illegalities


Why are we making this a constant point of conversation?


I’m not sure that the strategy of constantly announcing how illegal and creepy the premise is is a good one. Ignoring that probably wouldn’t have been the right move either. Better to have just circumvented it entirely and not done it rather than try to make up all manner of excuses and trying to somewhat seriously explain how one would get around the law and social ostricization if one were to indeed have a 10 year old wife. Go a lot more slapstick so the thought isn’t even in the audience’s mind, or find a way to confront it head on. This is just weird.

Lord even knows why this is a thing for this particular dude. Every time we see him interact with people, it’s barely five seconds before some attractive 20 year old swoops in to throw herself at him. And both in the exact same way, which is possibly even more exasperating than the titular premise. Sure, I have a career, but nothing would make me happier than being a stay at home wife cooking for some sad sack who got into sales despite having no confidence, charisma, and is in a permanent flop sweat. Which is to say that this character driven dramedy has a lot of issues, and of its four characters, one is Generic Awkward Melodramatic Dude, and two are clones that exist solely to fail the Bechdel Test so hard that it would need to be recalibrated into the far negatives.

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