New Anime

Natsume Yuujinchou Shichi – 03

Sure as salt, when Natori is involved Natsume Yuujinchou becomes a very different show. Not a better or worse one (though one does have one’s preferences) but different. Some Natori episodes (like the ones also featuring Matoba-san) can be extremely traditional plot-driven, some are more like half-and-half with the default setting (which is about how I would describe this ep). Natori represents a very different approach to living with the blessing or curse he shares with Natsume. He therefore also represents a challenge to Natsume’s entire way of life, though he’s diplomatic enough about it not to descend into confrontation with him.

Scarecrows are the theme this week – kakashi, as they’re known in Japanese. There’s a reason they’re a fixture in horror stories, I think. They’re something innately creepy about them even when they’re not the only inhabitants of a deserted village in Shikoku. But as usual with Natsume (though not always when Natori is involved) it’s a more nuanced portrayal here. These particular kakashi are ones imbued with a soul by their maker – by accident, as apparently sometimes happens. When their season work is done they have nowhere to go, so typically hop off to the mountains and are forgotten. But not this particular bunch.

After Natsume sees a bunch of these kakashi in the village the mid-tiers have dragged him to in order to confirm the flavor or a certain manjuu, he starts having dreams about them invading a certain mansion, presumably uninvited. Ever the busybody he drags Nyanko-sensei back with the promise of two manjuu, and there runs into Natori – he’s been hired as an exorcist by the owner of the mansion in question (who’s been having even scarier dreams than Natsume).

The story that emerges is of “Tookanya” – which is what the kakashi are muttering as they enter the house. This is based on an actual harvest festival, which falls on the tenth night of the tenth month. In this context it’s re-cast as a “game” between youkai and humans. If they can get the humans in a house to respond with “yes” when they say “Tookanya”, the game is afoot. If they can scare the humans away within ten days, they take the house. But if even one human remains, the youkai must leave and bring riches to the house.

That’s interesting, and kind of bittersweet. These scarecrows didn’t ask to be born, and they’re cast away when their usefulness is over (for the year at least). They just want a place to belong. But the real meat of this episode is the introduction of the mysterious Yorishima-san (Mikami Satoshi). He’s the one who explains what’s happening to Natsume and Natori. and apparently comes from a high-powered exorcist clan that got out of the game. Yorishima is seemingly an important addition. He senses Natsume’s power, Natori says he’s much older than he looks, and the rumor is he has a youkai in place of his arm. I’m pretty sure we haven’t see the last of him.


The post Natsume Yuujinchou Shichi – 03 appeared first on Lost in Anime.

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