House, this is not.
This is what I was worried about. I say this with virtually every detective show, but it’s incredible that Conan is about the only one that actually gets them right. The journey is the thing. The investigation. The mystery. The twists and turns. Having the ‘genius’ character show up, take one glance at somebody, and then spend the next five minutes making up a BS backstory from some random little details that weren’t even shown to the audience to that point is a dumb parlor trick; one that even Holmes would just use in passing at the beginning of stories to establish his acumen, not to solve the entire mystery. It’s even worse when it’s deliberately lying. “Have you eaten anything unsual? No.” “As you can see from the hook punctures on his fingers, he fishes, and therefore must have eaten some random fish from a river right before being stricken with abdominal pains.” Kind of feel like that was maybe a little relevant, guys.
Then we get to the real mystery that will be consuming the rest of the two episode premiere; a gangster with weird colored blood supposedly. To investigate it, we immediately piss off to… the local convenience store to chat with the cops. Why are we in the parking lot of the 7-11? Hell if I know. It’s just a stop en route to the museum to look at dinosaur fossils. Which is itself actually a lie despite this being where the episode ends, because spoiler, the next episode picks up at them having instead gone to a Dennys. Am I having a stroke. What the hell is going on with the storyboard here? Let’s continue in the next post.