The figure skating anime Medalist, which is adapted from Tsurumaikada’s manga of the same name and animated by Studio ENGI, is now available to simulcast stream on Disney+ in the UK in both dubbed and subbed formats.
Synopsis: Tsukasa Akeuraji, a frustrated skater, meets a girl called Inori Yuitsuka, who is yearning to enter the world of figure skating. Motivated by Inori’s obsession on the rink, Tsukasa takes on coaching Inori himself. Inori’s talent blossoms, and Tsukasa becomes a brilliant mentor. Together they aim to make her a glorious medalist!
New episodes will be simulcast streamed each week on Disney+ in the UK, with a new episode expected each Saturday night, but in the meantime the first episode is currently available (in both dubbed and subbed format) on Disney+. Naturally in order to watch Disney+ a valid subscription, internet connection, and compatible device is requried.