New Anime

Memento Yuri #11 — The Clone Wars


Yeah, yeah. Called it.


Yeeeep. Pretty much just a massive info-dump episode, but I called about 98% of it. Everybody’s clones and part of the invasion force, but oops, something randomly killed God and the final button of the Kill All Humans plan never got finished. Except Renge, who’s super duper extra awesome thanks to protagonist power and is now a newtype. And… that’s kind of it. Now go kill Sub-God and vanish in a noble sacrificial pyrrhic victory of friendship. Unless you don’t, because maybe/probably you won’t? Who knows. Not like we’ve built up to any part of this anyway.

If it was ever going to have any dramatic weight, it was destroyed by being stretched out across twenty minutes and told through a series of drawings on a whiteboard. It really seems like something where they should’ve run into some evil magical girls working alongside the aliens to at least hint at it first. Also, whatever the hell was going on with the evil God already being dead, so the big bad is just some mindless systems left on auto. How about an actual antagonist? Well, whatever. Hopefully at least some good action to end the show on a decent note.


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