The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You Season 2, Episode 8 Review
Last time on The 100 Girlfriends, the Rentaro Family was facing its biggest crisis since the incident with Hahari! Rentaro’s tenth soulmate, the beautiful Mimimi Utsukushisugi, refuses to be part of any group with Nano in it due to a past transgression. Thus, the newcomer challenges Nano to a contest where the loser must leave the Family! How will Rentaro use his CHADtaro powers to resolve this conflict? What sort of antics will Mimimi bring to the Rentaro Family? And how saucy can this anime make the simple act of kissing?
That last question will make sense soon enough.
Mimimi’s Problem with Nano
So, after Mimimi threw down the gauntlet last time, this episode reveals the exact circumstances that led to her grudge against Nano. After winning a beauty paegant they were both in, Mimimi tried to be a good sport and extend a hand to Nano. In response, Nano rejected her, saying friendship was a waste of time. What made things worse was that Mimimi secretly entered Nano in the pageant all so the two of them could become friends, only to get spat on.
The first half of this episode is as much about Nano’s character development as it is about Mimimi joining the Family. Before she met Rentaro, love and friendship were utterly foreign to her. Her willingness to accept Mimimi’s challenge speaks volumes to her character development. Something that becomes more obvious over the course of their “beauty search” contest.
I swear Rentarou’s VA makes this even funnier than it already was in the manga
— RinSS (@RinSS_HI) March 2, 2025
Instead of judging each other by what makes them beautiful, they point out everything they find beautiful in the rest of the family. This leads to some very fun moments where everything that makes the others attractive. However, it’s when they get to Rentaro himself that the real funny moment of the episode takes place.
CHADtaro humiliates himself for his Family
The fluffy eye brows have been destroyed!!
#100Girlfriends #hyakkano #アニメ100カノ
— Anime Culture (@AnimeCulture00) March 2, 2025
Rentaro uses his CHADtaro powers to turn himself into the least attractive person they can possibly find. He shaves his eyebrows, hair, and puts on a humiliating costume all so they can’t get an edge, and call the entire contest a draw! That’s how far Rentaro is willing to go to keep his girlfriends happy!
100 Girlfriends S2 Ep 8
Well that contest was definitely.. interesting, Rentarou deformed his entire character Lmao.
But anyways, that was wholesome between Nano and Mimimi, I realised how much Nano truly has grown a lot since being in the family.
Also 10/100 gfs acquired!
— Hillマン (@kaitohill) March 3, 2025
Mimimi almost takes this moment as another loss, but again, this episode demonstrates Nano’s character development. She may not be able to make up for her past slight, but she makes it clear that she finally understands the value of love and friendship. Which is one of the great things about this series. The girl’s problems aren’t fixed overnight, but thanks to the supportive environment Rentaro gives them, they’re able to work on them together! And it’s enough to convince Mimimi to drop her grudge and officially join the Family.
Kissing Galore
In what is now a tradition for the series, the second half of the episode is centered on Mimimi integrating into the Rentaro Family through an activity. In this case, it’s helping each of the girls reach their most beautiful selves by partaking in activities that will aid them. In this case, kissing. Lots and lots and lots of kissing.
This entire half of the episode is primarily an excuse for the anime to skirt the line between SFW and full-on ecchi. Using a new lip balm to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain, the girls each take turns kissing Rentaro. The moments that come out of this are, suitably, hilarious. Like this!
Nano #The100GirlfriendsWhoReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyLoveYou #KimiNoKotoGaDaidaidaidaidaisukiNa100ninNoKanojo
— Wingdragon (@rejwingdragon11) March 2, 2025
Or this!
I’m more and more shipping Nano x Shizuka!#100Girlfriends #hyakkano #アニメ100カノ
— Andrew (OtakuSpirit) (@OtakuSpirited) March 2, 2025
This one got crazy!
These two ain’t beating the alleGAYtions
— RinSS (@RinSS_HI) March 2, 2025
And this one was a straight-up shoutout to Food Wars and its infamous Foodgasms.
How can an anime be so perfect
— RinSS (@RinSS_HI) March 2, 2025
And look at how what happened afterwards!
100 Girlfriends is so peak that they changed art style
— NotoriousXP (@NotoriousXP) March 2, 2025
And with that, we now sit at ten girlfriends, with ninety more to go. And this season only has one girlfriend left to introduce, so there’s no telling what might happen! At least the girls will be able to remain beautiful, though!