An interesting bit of Makeine news dropped this week with the announcement that the finale would be an “original”. One penned by novelist Amamori Takibi that is, but directly for the screen. As such Komari’s arc officially ends here (it never made sense for it to be two episodes longer than Lemon or Anna’s). That’s …
Karasu wa Aruji o Erabanai (YATAGARASU: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master) – 20 (End) and Series Review
Stuck the landing. Let me be clear up front: I never had an expectation that Karasu wa Aruji o Erabanai would get a second season. It’s probably a miracle it ever got made in the first place. So my sadness today isn’t disappointment per se, more something fatalistic. “Sasuga” for anime, and not in a …
Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi (The Elusive Samurai) – 11
We’re at a funny spot with Nigewaka. In point of fact today was originally scheduled to be the finale, though that was pushed back a week due to the recap episode. But irrespective, we don’t officially know what happens after that. There seems to be a widespread belief that a second cour is coming (and …
The Elusive Samurai #11 — Casual Cannibalism
Was this the dumping ground for excess side characters that couldn’t be worked in to the main plot? Impressions: This episode was a bit weird on a technical level, even for this show, and not doing anything to dissuade my pet theory that CloverWorks is where they send newbies learning the basics of creating …
Maid anime girl
I can’t believe I don’t have a proper anime girls in maid outfit post in the blog. Here is a moe image compilation for your enjoyment:
Boku no Hero Academia Season 7 – 18
Talk about a massive downgrade. I must admit, it never occurred to me when reading these chapters in the manga that Bones was going to re-cast All For One. I mean, it makes sense on some level – he does keep getting younger. And they don’t call Ohtsuka Akio the Marlin Brando of seiyuu for …