Of course it is. Impressions: It’s hard to even muster up any opinion that feels like it’s worth sharing, to be honest, which is largely why I stopped even glancing at sequels/continuations those many years ago. This is a known value. If they were truly rebooting it into Spice and Wolf 3000, following the …
A Former Hero Reincarnated Yada Yada #01 — Cleric of Wagons
I am already very sick of cheat powers. This also leaked a couple days ago like Astro Note, but I only got partway through before I got annoyed and didn’t want to finish. Impressions: Which really sets the tone here as I have to come back and actually finish it out of… morality? Blogger …
Reincarnated as the Seventh Prince Etc #01 — The Bath of Convenient Censorship
Not even steam. Just no nipples. Two to go, and while one leaked early and I already did watch most of it, get disgusted, stop, and put it off for today, the other is Spice and Wolf, which I feel largely falls into the same category. I’m going out for some dog walking briefly …
Re:Monster #01 — Obtrusive Pop Ups
Fantastic. I had this as April 4th, because that’s what the official site shows, but I guess we’ve got early airings again on certain streaming sites. Oops. That’s yet another goddamned Monday cheat power RPG world show then. Impressions: The popups about things like… picking up items were bad enough, but then it turns …
Gods Wanna Play Games #01 — Rule Recitation
Now that’s what we call scene composition. Impressions: Boy, this almost makes me regret dragging the previous show for excessive exposition and zero animation. Good god, it was bad. Not just even because they were playing some stupid self-introduction game, but they also had to explain it, explain how they both have eidetic memories, …
Where Does the Doomsday Train Go? #01 — Crazyish Train
I understand the premise. Please stop repeating it. Impressions: My impressions from the promos was that this wouldn’t be too wacky, but boy, did the opening minutes try to go out of their way to prove me wrong, and then followed it up by making a concerted effort to be really, really tediously boring. Okay, so …