Legendary Mangaka Akira Toriyama, Creator of Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball, and modern Shonen, dead at 68 To anyone who grew up watching Dragon Ball Z, you’re going to want to get your tissues ready; you’ll need them. Akira Toriyama, the legendary mangaka that gave the world Dr Slump, the art for Dragon Quest, and most important of all, Dragon Ball, has …
Whisper Games Releases Metroidvania styled game “The Weird Dream” onto Steam
Publisher Whisper Games, in partnership with developers Shanghai AmberDragon, have today released the metroidvania styled platformer The Weird Dream onto Windows PC (via Steam), and confirmed that Nintendo Switch version is in development for release later this year. Inspired by Castlevania, Metroid, Dead Cells, and Hollow Knight, among other great games, The Weird Dream provides …
Bang Bravern #09 — Hookups With Strange Giant Robots
No, but really. Why did that one mech orgasm? Impressions: Exactly what everybody’s been predicting since around episode 2 is finally revealed. Smith went to robot purgatory with the the weird lady robot that was hitting on him, gave her an orgasm by fusing with her, but all his thoughts were on his boyfriend, …
Slave of the Elite #10 — Finger Licking Good
Actually pretty mediocre as far as finger blowjobs in anime go. Impressions: As season ending fights go, this is quite weak. I would say that at least we escaped flashbacks, but we still had a long one about how the monster girls are being imprisoned and experimented on by the human organization for giggles. …
Sengoku Youko – 09
Finally, we reach the quarter-pole (almost) of Sengoku Youko. Though it feels like the series has already introduced enough material for all three cours. I feel as if Mizukami Satoshi refied his craft from Hoshi no Samidare to Segoku Youko, and then again with Spirit Circle. Sengoku, for me, has an air of grandness and …
Berserk Boy Arrives Digitally on Nintendo Switch & Windows PC with 10% Launch Discount
Indie developers Berserk Boy Studios have today released the action-platformer Berserk Boy digitally onto the Nintendo Switch (via Nintendo eShop) and Windows PC (via Steam). A 10% launch discount is available until 13th March 2024, with a playable demo also available on Steam. Featuring music from Tee Lopes (whose credits include Sonic Mania & Teenage …