New Anime

Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season – Kanketsu-hen – 02 (End) and Series Review

No really, we mean it this time.  Seriously. I was always going to get back to this eventually.  As I’ve said multiple times, I’ve invested far too much aggravation in Attack on Titan to let it beat me.  I’m going to finish the fucker, come hell or high water.  But fittingly for a series whose …

New Anime

LiA Bespoke Project: Hello, Goodbye – Anime’s Best First and Final Episodes – #5

Premieres and finales.  Are they the most important episodes of a series?  Broadly speaking, I would say yes.  And I’d add that final episodes are, generally, the hardest to get right (and that applies to more than just anime).  And they’re challenging in another sense as well.  As I wrote in my Shouwa Genroku Rakugo …