Sword Art Online Progressive The Movie: Aria In the Starless Night, the latest movie instalment of the popular anime series, will be hitting theatres in Autumn 2021. A new promotional video and visual were also revealed at the announcement on 27 March. Adapted from the light novel “Sword Art Online Progressive” by Reki Kawahara, the …
MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA Will Launch Worldwide in 2021
MELTY BLOOD returns with a bloody splash for a worldwide release in 2021!
Top 10 Strongest JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Characters of All Time
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the longest-running manga and anime franchises of Japan, having spawned eight parts of the manga, anime adaptions, video games, spin-off stories, a live-action movie, and a large variety of anime merchandise. Usually, when a franchise exists for so long, things such as the quality declining or the fans losing interest …
4 Reasons why JJBA is one of the best anime
There are a lot of unique things anime does that we find ourselves clamoring for; things it does differently than other forms of media. While some viewers would demand a rather thrilling and philosophical narrative, some prefer the classic friendship and life-lesson based storyline. JoJo caters to both the niches while bringing an element of …
Top 10 JoJo Bizarre Adventure’s Epic Moments
Jojo Bizarre Adventure has remained relevant for years. The fanbase is grown and the JoJo Bizarre Adventure memes – Oh My God. The whole internet is losing its mind. Hence, the anime won’t go irrelevant for a long time. In the midst of this quarantine, everyone is losing their mind. We got to see Golden …
Top 10 Fights in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
The ever enticing anime that has been spreading its influence over the anime community for over 8 years, without ever dropping in quality, called JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures, is something that anime fans all over the world have come to love. And one of the most prominent and intriguing aspects of this anime is the fights …