New Anime

Little Witch Nobeta Patch 1.12 and New DLC scheduled for Release on 16th November 2023

Pupuya Games, in partnership with western publisher Idea Factory International, have recently announced that Patch 1.12 for Little Witch Nobeta, which is expected to add New Costumes, Dialogue and a Trial Tower Mode, will be available on 16th November 2023. A selection of new premium DLC outfits will also be available on the same day.

Patch 1.12 Contents:
Due for release on 16th November 2023 the Patch 1.12 for Little Witch Nobeta will add the following content to the game:

Trial Tower Mode – A new Boss Rush Mode that will challenge players to beating all of the bosses found within the game.

New Story Dialogue – Additional story dialogue has been written, and will be added to the game to give it a more narrative and immersive experience.

Unlockable Costumes – These new costumes will be unlocked by playing Trial Tower Mode

Bishop [Unlocked by Completing Trial Tower Mode]

Rook [Unlocked by Reaching Max Level for All Magic in Trial Tower Mode]

Queen [Unlocked by Completing Trial Tower Mode without failing]

Little Black Cat [Unlocked by Completing Trial Tower Mode]

Costume Bundle DLC Contents:
Due for release on 16th November 2023 as paid DLC this costume bundle will contain three brand new outfits for Nobeta to wear. This DLC will be priced at £6.29.

Dragon Princess

Knitted Uniform

Land Mine Girl

Little Witch Nobeta is now available for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC.

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