New Anime

A Founder’s Thoughts with D.J. Lewis: 2024!

November is here if you haven’t already noticed, and with that comes two of the biggest holidays that involve food and money; Thanksgiving, and Christmas. During this final quarter of 2023, we had the opportunity to go to two conventions with a third on the way; Stellar Con in Bel Air, MD, and PuchiCon in Tannersville, PA. I’m just happy that after three years we’re finally back on the con circuit, although a lot has changed within the convention scene since our last convention in January of 2020. So with 2024 approaching, what will Aaron and I be doing with this project going forward?

Us at PuchiCon 2023

You guys should already be familiar with the story; we started back in January 2016 and made our convention debut at AniMore, then went to other cons in 2017 while meeting and chatting with voice actors, then spent the next three years building our brand and reputation in the anime community. Suddenly Covid hit and sidelined us for about 2 1/2 years, we created a podcast called “Nerdz of the Decade”, had voice actors and content creators on the show to build our rep even more, and finally returned to the con circuit this year.

With all of that said, what’s next for D&A? While I’m still cautiously optimistic about the future of this project, I’m still very much involved with D&A; despite the fact that I quit due to the outside stress of life, only to come back three months later. As far as what conventions we’ll be making appearances at, we’re most likely going to stay local and just attend the ones in Maryland and Pennsylvania. (Maybe New York and New Jersey, but we’ll see.) Although its still in its infancy as a brand, BASSMODE: Nerdz Nite Out is starting to pick up a little steam. If you don’t know what BASSMODE is, allow me to tell you.

BASSMODE: Nerdz Nite Out is a promotion that celebrates anime, cosplay, gaming, music, and nerd culture through ‘afterparty’ social events. I am both the founder and head promoter of it. It is an event promotion that promotes positivity throughout the nerd community, as well as the culture that its apart of. We kick off our debut event on March 30th next year, and hope to bring BASSMODE events to conventions. I also see this promotion as a way to help DJs gain experience playing in front of crowds, because I’ve noticed that a lot of them became ‘Bedroom DJs’ during the pandemic. (I did too!)

Like I said before, I’m still cautiously optimistic about the future of D&A, but I believe we’re taking steps in the right direction in terms of our growth, and connections we’ve made along the way. Never would I thought that in the 7-going-on-8 years we’ve been active, that we would reach this point with D&A. With enough time, patience, and grinding, we can be one of the best anime blog/multimedia brands out there. For me, if you have a dream and a passion to do something, don’t sit at the window and think about it – DO IT! We never thought we’d get this far, but we kept at it. I don’t know what the next few years are going to be like when it comes to this project, but we’re making great progress, and that’s all that matters to me now.

Until next post.

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