New Anime

Astro Note Review — B-

An alien moves to a shared home.

There was a lot to like about this show— stylistically it’s beautiful (and not the typical anime style), the characters are very quirky and don’t go where you expect at all, and the love triangle had an excellent setup.

But the last two episodes dropped my opinion drastically… what a contrived ending to the love triangle, and holy shit they just wrecked one character completely for no good reason.

Still, overall I enjoyed it!

Storytelling – B – Except for the ending, excellent…
Voice – A – Great style.
Characters – B – Quirky characters.
Attention Grab – B – Kept my interest.
Production – B – Excellent visual style.
Overall – B-

RecommendationsBokura wa Minna Kawaii-sou, Love Hina

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