New Anime

Life With My Stepsister #01 — Dare to Be Boring


These premises continue to be profoundly bizarre to me.

Seven new shows today, plus Suicide Squad if I can stomach it. Even with the holiday, this will be a marathon.


I know I’ve said this before, and I’m sure it’s largely cultural, but the entire premise of two adults with children getting into a relationship, getting married, and moving in together, and yet somehow keeping literally all of this a secret from their children is so weird and foreign to me. Especially when they’re presented as mundane, normie homebodies and not flighty erratics who randomly ran off to get hitched in Vegas or something. Who lives like that? Who even can live like that? To say nothing of the logistics of keeping the entire wedding a secret. You’d think there’d be some friction at least from not inviting the kids.

But that’s the premise we’re going with, once again, and now for its ‘unique’ flavor. Both of these two teenagers have had their existential angst dials cranked up to 17/10 and are just here to tell each other that things are totally boring and normal, over and over and over and over and over and over. I think you’ve missed the entire point of telling a story, even the kind of British mundane dramas about regular life. The point is that even regular life has interesting characters and events, not that nothing happens ever. Even the part where he trips and grabs a bra is part of an unvoiced montage where everybody comes in and chuckles at this hilarious cliche before having a conversation about how they’re going to be normal at school too because normal is best, and boring is normal, so let’s be boring. Congrats, you’ve definitely convinced me that you are indeed, exceptionally, extremely pointless and boring.

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