New Anime

Why Does Nobody Remember #02 — Sword of Convenience


What luck it only cuts rocks and monsters.


The Saturday culling continues, and this was the better episode between it and Sakuna, but it’s very much on borrowed time. Sakuna spat out an entire episode farming rice, which, okay, accurate to the game, but those were the absolute worst, most frustrating, and most tedious parts, and definitely not helped by gatekeeping the fun parts behind them. I appreciate that it’s not just another cheat power show. The dude is just baseline competent with the magic sword and magical angel girlfriend not really doing much more than cutting chains or a lightning bolt here and there, but my original impression of the first episode hasn’t changed. It’s a throwback to the LN trend of about 10 years ago, and not a particularly well executed one at that.

The action scenes aren’t well animated nor constructed. There’s very little chemistry between the characters. The setting and story is barebones and not particularly interesting. The stronger, even if trashier, haremy versions of these would already be well into their first arc and gearing up for the first climactic fight while here, after two episodes, has only just recruited the dude and sent him out to do… *waves hands* SOMETHING. Better than the alternatives? Perhaps. Good? Nah.  


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