New Anime

Blue Box #01 — Kot Kat


Snap me off a stick of that kot kat square.

That’s four and halfway for the day. I need to actually do some work stuff for a bit, so Dandadan, mechy arms, dragon cheat power, and ugh, that cheating at weird corpo games thing will come in a bit.


Okay, first, that CGI zoom over at the start? Why? Also, was that really where all your animation budget went? Anyway, you always have to laugh at how dumb the attempts sports anime are to try to claim characters are the hottest thing ever. First off, magazine articles? In 2024? Second, magazine articles about highschool girls basketball? And it’s a well that they go back to later as well. She’s not just your personal simp-target. She’s nationally famous! She’s in magazines. Which is as much of her supposed talent, or even personality really, as they’re actually going to show, because this is less about a *pfft* badminton player trying to Do His Best as it just is Dude Pines For Girl While Other Girls Also Throw Themselves Nonstop At Him. Every female in this show spends the entire thing fussing over him nonstop while the sparkly filter descends to make their eyes extra moist, their hair extra detailed, and the mood lighting glow in pastels.

Not any actual substance that would endear either character, which is really a theme for the day so far, as well as the season as a whole. It could’ve worked if either character had any personality, but the dude only wants to stammer about how he t-t-t-t-try his b-b-b-b-b-best, and the girl exists solely in the Simp Dimension where God descends from on high whenever she’s on screen to personally place her on a pedestal for the dude to be in awe of her. The pink thing was at least putting in an effort to add a little bit of… something… to the show. Energy, I guess, which otherwise only showed up when the dude randomly overreacted, but you can get overreactions in literally any anime these days. 


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